Brand New Product from Gatorade

Gatorade Flow Smooth Thirst Quencher


February 2017


Gatorade has recently launched a brand new product – Gatorade Flow Smooth Thirst Quencher. Gatorade is the largest growth contributor to the sports drinks category and drove 77% of growth in 2015. Heavy Gatorade users seek flavor variety and consume an average of 11 flavors and drive 46% of volume. Finally, each Gatorade subline brings new buyers to the category. Over 40% of shoppers buy more than one subline, driving 67% of volume. Also, sublines deliver more than one-third of exclusive shoppers. With all that being said, Gatorade decided to launch a new subline with a unique flavor profile.


Gatorade Flow offers full flavored hydration with a smooth finish that provides athletes improved drinkability. It was created to deliver GTQ performance with a rush of full flavor followed by a smooth finish that improves drinkability. It is light/translucent in color, has a sweet taste, good/no after taste, all natural flavors and has all GTQ performance benefits. The target consumer for this product are 13-17-year-old competitive athletes. Competitive athletes who are heavy users of GTQ continue to express that the heaviness, stickiness, and sweetness levels of GTQ “weigh them down”. New flavors will grow buy rate among variety seeking consumers. Sensory experience solves a barrier to increased usage by combining a vibrant flavor and smooth finish.


Each subline has a visual identity that will be used in TV and packaging. TV and digital plans will be used to drive trial and awareness of New Flow subline. TV creative will communicate the arrival of a new flavor and digital activations will include promotional integration, fan engagement, social media and standard banners. This new product is available in 20oz, 28oz and 32oz bottles and in two new flavors: Kiwi Strawberry and Blackberry Wave. Make sure you’re stocking and merchandising these two new products in your cooler door!

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