Make the Most of your Membership with RBG!

Simple Tools to Maximize Your Success


February 2018


Your membership prosperity can ultimately be summed up in two phrases: Stay Active and Participate. It's a simple idea, but when life keeps you going at what seems to be a 100 miles per hour, it can be hard to slow down and keep up with life in general, let alone your business. Since we understand that life and business can pull you in every direction, we have created several resources to keep you up to date with your membership.


Website & Electronic Newsletter


You may prefer to utilize our website and monthly electronic newsletters (eNews). Each member should create a log in for our website, which allows you full access to all of the available programs and rebate opportunities. This way you can access your membership benefits at anytime from anywhere, as long as you have internet access of course. On a similar note, we also provide regular electronic newsletters that are emailed to all our members. These contain the educational information, industry news, top sku information, category management, new product introductions and brand advertising.




In addition, you receive daily emails regarding all the different vendor programs and promotions that are available for you to participate in. These emails highlight any new programs or promotions along with keeping you up to date on any changes or specials on any existing programs. Through this outlet, you can reference your daily emails and stay current on all of the latest membership option. At the end of every month, we send out a monthly recap of all the emails that were sent out. That way, you can access all the promotions and programs from the previous month in one spot!


Account Representative


As part of your membership you are assigned an account representative who is there to assist you with any membership and program questions. They will guide you through all of the programs and make suggestions as to what programs will work for you and your store to give you the best return on your rebates. You can always give them a call to make sure you are not missing out on anything and staying current on membership benefits. Call 888-728-3724 to connect with your account representative.


Independent C-Store Resource Guide


Lastly, there is the Quarterly Independent C-Store Resource Guide, which you're currently reading! This resource guide is true to its name and provides you with resources and information that is important to c-store owners! It is a compilation of brand advertising, category management, new product introduction, articles, industry information as well as tips and information to keep your store competitive in the industry.


Now that you are equipped with the resources to stay active with your membership, here is some insight on how you can participate more effectively. It is quite simple - the more you participate in programs and special promotions, the more rebates you will get in return. If you're not currently on the membership, make sure to enroll today on to take advantage of these tools.